Security & Audits



As a SaaS company in the blockchain and web3 industry, we understand the importance of data security. To protect our user's sensitive information, we have implemented several measures.Cloud Services We will use DigitalOcean as our cloud infrastructure provider. DigitalOcean is an industry-leading provider that has made significant investments in security. They use advanced security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and DDoS protection, as well as strict security protocols and guidelines to safeguard customer data. By choosing DigitalOcean , we are confident in our ability to keep customer data secure and protected.Consulting and Audit We will use SolidityScan services of security consultants to assist us in identifying potential vulnerabilities and risks in our systems and infrastructure. A security consultants will work closely with our internal security team to ensure that we have the most up-to-date security measures in place to protect our sensitive data and infrastructure from potential cybersecurity threats. Having security consultants on board allows us to stay ahead of the curve in terms of security and ensures that we are taking all necessary steps to safeguard our data and infrastructure. We believe that a investment in security consultants is a clear indication of our commitment to maintaining the highest levels of security for our user's data. The consultants will guide us to set up the necessary infrastructure before moving on to the various audit stages that follow. Conducting regular audits of our infrastructure by engaging reputable security auditing firms. By having our infrastructure audited, we can ensure that the systems are secure, up to date, and meet industry standards. The auditing process involves rigorous testing and analysis to identify potential vulnerabilities and risks, and to recommend measures to address them. Users can trust that we take security seriously and are committed to protecting their data and infrastructure from potential cybersecurity threats. We believe that regular security audits are crucial in maintaining the trust and confidence of users, and must continue to invest in security measures that protect data and assets.Smart-contracts We engaged SolidityScan &, are leading security auditing firms with extensive experience in identifying potential vulnerabilities and risks in complex systems, including blockchain technology, to conduct a thorough audit of our smart-contract. By having our smart-contract audited by & SolidityScan , we can ensure that the contract operates as intended and that it is secure from potential cybersecurity threats. Our users can trust that the smart-contract has undergone rigorous testing and has been validated by an independent third party. We believe that regular security audits by SolidityScan & are crucial in maintaining the trust and confidence of our users, and we will continue to invest in security measures that protect their data and assets, Other audits will be conducted after community funding.Asset Protection The safeguarding of our project’s assets is a matter we hold in the highest regard. In order to ascertain superior levels of security, we have employed a sophisticated multi-signature wallet technology, courtesy of Gnosis Safe. This advanced strategy necessitates multiple authenticated signatories for transaction validation, which significantly bolsters security measures and mitigates the risk of unsanctioned access. Our team meticulously manages and supervises each transaction, instituting stringent protocols to shield the assets integral to our project. Acknowledging the importance of secure fund management in the evolving landscape of blockchain and web3 technology, we remain unyieldingly committed to adopting stringent security controls. This dedication ensures the preservation and security of our project’s assets, reinforcing their safety and integrity.General In conclusion, we take data security seriously and have implemented a range of measures to protect our user's sensitive information. Our cloud infrastructure provider, security consultants, regular infrastructure audits, 2FA on multiple layers, adherence to recognized industry best practices, and smart-contract audit by SolidityScan & demonstrate our commitment to maintaining the highest levels of security for our users’ data. Our users can trust that their data is being handled in a secure and responsible manner, and that we will continue to invest in security measures to protect their data and assets.